Yesterday was my first Easter and it was great! We started out at church where my Grandma Donna took me in to big church so I could hear all the music. I love listening to good ole Baptist hymns and the church choir! Then my mom got me so Grandma could go listen to the sermon and we went to the nursery to play with 13 other little kids. It was wild! Then we went to Grammy's for lunch. They said next year I get to hunt eggs... not sure what they mean by that, but they acted like it would be fun. The only part I did not enjoy about Easter is trying on all those dresses to find the perfect one. I could do without that next year! Here's a few pictures to show you what I went through:
Dress #1 (I'm not having very much fun)

Dress #2 (Mom, quit please!)

Dress #3 (Mom, this is horrible! I hate dresses!)

And the winner... so glad we finally picked one!

Once we got my dress attire established, Easter was a great day! I had fun celebrating the resurrection of Jesus! I already knew he had risen and was alive because I saw him just a couple months ago before I entered this world. (I'm smarter than they think). Hope you and your family had a great Easter too and really celebrated the reason for the holiday! Love you guys!