I thought I would give you the top 5 moments over the last 9 months from my point of view:
1) When Mommy told Daddy, that I was coming. He was asleep and she was going running. I think they were both excited, but then kind-of acted like normal. Mom went on with her run and Dad went back to sleep.
2) When that man let Mommy and Daddy hear my heartbeat. They thought that was pretty cool!
3) When that same man told Mommy that he was 98% sure that I was a boy. He said he saw "my package". He's crazy! Did I mention I love suprises???
4) Back to that same man... I thought this time I better reveal myself so I didn't have a bunch of blue clothes. I think Mom and Dad were overjoyed with the my little surprise because neither one of them said anything for at least 30 minutes. They were so excited that they were speechless! I'm so funny...
5) The first time that Mommy felt me move. I'd been moving all around for a long time, but I knew when she actually felt me. She stopped what she was doing and put her hand exactly where I had been punching. It was pretty cool. We play all the time now. I like to show her just how strong I'm getting.
I'm sure there will be some more great moments before I check out of the Uterine Hotel... I hear leaving this place sometimes can be a struggle; that's why I'm waiting until I'M READY!
Hi Molly Jane. I am your Aunt Nan. I love you already. You are so beautiful. I can't wait to hold you and kiss you and love on you. You are the most loved baby EVER!!!