So I thought maybe I should do a follow up blog about my last facebook post about moving to Houston! Yes, it's true we are headed here:
Joel's getting transferred with his company! Yes...we just moved into our new house in Broken Arrow 7 months ago. :( But, we are excited about our new adventure (after we got used to the idea and the initial shock wore off).
In my little mind, I made a list of the PROS/CONS to help me get excited about the move. There are some pretty good PROS:
-I'm get to be a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom)!
-It's less than 45 minutes to the beach!
-There's direct flights from Tulsa to Houston.
-It's a great career move for Joel.
-Exciting things to do...museums, parks, zoo, and other fun attractions.
-Great weather for the majority of the year.
-A fun vacation for whoever wants to come visit us (and you know you do!)
-It's only 502 miles from home (hey, could be worse right?)
There are also some not-so-fun CONS:
-It's 502 miles from home!!!! EEK!!!
-It's over 8 hours from friends and family (this is equivalent to like 10 PROS)
-No babysitters = No date nights :(
-Hellacious heat in the summer months!
-TRAFFIC! (Although I'll be spending most of my time in my quiet little suburb)
With all that said, we know that God is in control and we are trusting in Him to make the right decisions! It's funny how you think you have life figured out, and then "BAM!", you really don't. I've been relying on one of my all-time favorite verses a lot the past couple months.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path (even in Houston). Proverbs 3:5-6
Love, Jen