The whole gang.

Found one! And of course, we were wearing our Minnie shoes!

Drakeman likes to make this face and it cracks us all up!

Drakeman also likes to make sure his momma isn't going anywhere. :)

On Sunday, we headed to church! Molly looked so sweet in her "princess dress" (as she called it). Here are a few pics of us after church with Bill, Donna, and Kyle.

She is so beautiful! My sweet little Mollygirl.

Joel needed his sunglasses. He's sensitive. Ha.

After church, we went to Mom and Dave's for Easter dinner and another egg hunt. Of course, I have more pics. :)

Looking for eggs.

I think she had plenty! :)

Drakeman- isn't he so handsome?!?

Molly refused to take her dress off all day. I got my money's worth. ;)
It was the perfect Easter weekend with good weather, great food, and fun times with family!
At church, I helped in the 2-3 year old Sunday School class (that my mom-in-law teaches) and when giving the lesson she asked them what Easter was all about. They answered, "Easter bunny", "Candy", "Presents", etc. Molly blurted out "EGGS"!!! Lol, they made me giggle. But then she explained to them that we celebrate Easter because Jesus rose from the dead and He is alive! Although the Easter bunny and egg hunts are fun, it is my prayer that you know the true meaning of Easter too. (Matthew 28:1-7)
Love, Jen
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